Florida Bar Member

Criminal Defense

We Are Ready to Assist You. Contact Wenzel Law Today!

Being charged with a crime is a worrisome experience. No matter if you did or did not commit the crime, you have rights. At Wenzel Law, I work with you closely to ensure that those rights are fully protected throughout the legal process.

Get a free Consultation

    If you have been arrested or are under investigation by a local police department or state agency, you will most likely be prosecuted in a Florida state court. Florida state crimes are violations of state laws that have been passed by the Florida legislature.

    They are prosecuted in either county or circuit courts in the county or circuit in which the charges are filed by the state attorney. Florida state courts are also where violations of local statutes and ordinances are prosecuted. In some cases, early intervention by an experienced criminal defense attorney can even prevent an arrest and/or prosecution. 

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    Protect Your Rights

    Do not assume that a court appointed attorney will have the time to help you through the numerous steps in a criminal trial. Instead, choose an attorney that is dedicated and experienced enough to help you through the legal process. With years of experience and a passion for protecting your rights, you can count on Wenzel Law for any type of state level criminal charges you are facing.

    Degrees of Florida State Crimes

    Florida law divides crimes into two general categories: felonies and misdemeanors. Felonies and misdemeanors are further broken down into degrees.

    The five degrees of felonies are

    • Capital felonies
    • Life felonies
    • First-degree felonies
    • Second-degree felonies
    • Third-degree felonies

    There are only two degrees of misdemeanor offenses in Florida, first degree misdemeanors, and second degree misdemeanors.

    Maximum Incarceration by Degree of Crime:

    Maximum Sentence:
    Felony Capital
    Felony Life
    Life imprisonment
    Felony 1st Degree
    30 years
    Felony 2nd Degree
    15 years
    Felony 3rd Degree
    5 years
    Misdemeanor 1st Degree
    1 year
    Misdemeanor 2nd Degree
    60 days

    Examples of Florida Crimes Our Firm Handles

    We can also help you seal or expunge conviction records under certain circumstances.

    Fraud Offenses
    • Extortion
    • Organized Fraud
    • Credit Card Fraud
    • Insurance Fraud
    • Mortgage Fraud
    • Health Care Fraud
    • Benefits Fraud
    • Identity Theft
    • Forgery
    • Counterfeiting Offenses
    • Uttering a Forged Instrument
    • Check Offenses
    • Money Laundering
    Theft Offenses
    • Robbery / Armed Robbery
    • Shoplifting
    • Petit Theft
    • Grand Theft
    • Dealing in Stolen Property
    • Employee Theft
    • Burglary of a Dwelling, Conveyance, or Structure
    Drug Offenses
    • Trafficking of Drugs
    • Sale of Drugs
    • Possession with Intent to Distribute
    • Manufacture of Drugs
    • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
    • Possession of Cannabis
    • Possession of a Controlled Substance
    DUI Offenses/Related Issues
    • Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
    • Driver License Offenses
    • Driver’s License Restoration/Appeal
    • Reckless Driving
    • Possession of a Fraudulent or Stolen Driver License
    • Driving with a Suspended License (DWLS)
    Violent Offenses
    • Firearms Violations and Deadly Missile
    • Assault
    • Aggravated Assault
    • Simple Battery
    • Aggravated Battery 
    • Domestic Violence
    • False Imprisonment 
    • Kidnapping
    • Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer
    • Stalking 
    • Aggravated Stalking
    • Resisting With Violence
    • Homicide
    Sexual Misconduct Related Offenses
    • Indecent Exposure / Exposure of Sexual Organs
    • Lewd and Lascivious Conduct
    • Sexual Battery
    Other Offenses
    • RICO – Florida
    • Resisting Without Violence
    • Trespass
    • Loitering and Prowling
    • Criminal Mischief
    • Child Abuse
    • Child Neglect
    • Prostitution Offenses
    • Solicitation
    • Tampering with Witness or Evidence
    • Fleeing and Eluding
    • Accessory and Attempt Charges
    • Conspiracy
    • Active Warrants
    • Probation Violations 
    • Community Control Violations
    • Disorderly Conduct
    Get Started on your Criminal Defense Case

    The purpose of this form is to provide us with case-related information so we can spend more time discussing your options during our consultation.